Visit the comics lab. Find activities and games about reading, drawing, music, language arts, science, and social studies.

Solve the crossword puzzle about ACTION VERBS.

The object of the game is to guess the eight hidden animals that are presented, one at a time, behind a question mark. Possible animals are display above the mystery box and are eliminated as questions are asked. The user can guess which animal it could be at any time by making a “I guess …. ” phrase.

English teacher 7th and 10 levels

Let´s speak in English

As language learners, we all know the experience of feeling like a child again, of not having the words to express ourselves. We often believe that the other person is judging us, that our mistakes and difficulties make us look stupid. You always think: “Don’t open your mouth, you’ll sound stupid,” and the sad part is that most of us tend to listen. Even worse, we project this voice upon other people, assuming that they are criticizing us.
The most relevant fear students have when they decide to learn English is to speak. In Liceo Cervantes el Retiro teachers plan and work with different activities to teach our students that they’re not alone, that is what it feels like to learn another language, and we need our students try many times.
Besides the studying of the grammatical skill, vocabulary and listening activities, our Cervantinians need to improve how they organize their ideas and can express them.
Most of these ideas are using the dialogues from books and webpages, but we use some special items that show our students the necessary in their lives, what they are going to use in their real lives, living and working abroad when they graduated. In our classes, students prepare the dialogues according to these topics that we propose them:
Explaining a Haircut
Looking for a job
Asking for a dinner
Buying a vacation plan
Talking to the doctor
These examples help us out as teachers and we have had successful experiences with our students that have had speaking English without fear.
Emerson Villa Andrade
English teacher

Eighth Grade


On Palm Sunday, we celebrate the first joy of the season, as we celebrate Our Lord's triumphant
entrance into Jerusalem where he was welcomed by crowds worshiping him and laying down palm leaves before him. It also marks the beginning of Holy Week, with the greatest tragedy and sorrow of the year.  
Jesus' triumphant return to Jerusalem is only one side of the story.
By now many of the Jews are filled with hate for Our Lord. They want to see him stoned, calling Him a blasphemer, especially after offering proof of His Divinity during a winter visit to Jerusalem for the
Feast of the Dedication.
After this, Jesus went to Perea, where he was summoned to Bethany. There he raised Lazarus from the dead, a miracle which wins Him such renown among certain Pharisees that they decided finally to end His life.
Jesus took refuge at Ephrem returning six days before Passover to Bethany, triumphantly entering Jerusalem. That evening, He leaves Jerusalem and returns Monday. He spent time with Gentiles in the Temple, and on Wednesday left for the Mount of Olives. Here he foretold the apostles the events of the next several days, including His impending death.
He returned to Jerusalem on Thursday, to share the Last Supper with His apostles. He was subsequently arrested and tried. He was crucified at Calvary on Friday, outside the gates of Jerusalem. He was buried the same day, and arose three days later, on Easter Sunday.

All of this is done by our Lord for forgiveness of our sins, and for life everlasting with Him. God so loved us, that He sent His only begotten Son to die for us, so that our sins maybe forgiven